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Showing posts from December, 2018


  PERIOD CRAMPS ..WHHYYY??? HELL these cramps hurt like you literally want to pull out your uterus  ... well according to wikipedia it is known as  Dysmenorrhea (the name itself sounds painful ugh) i was saying according to this website  Dysmenorrhea , also known as  painful periods , or  menstrual cramps , is  pain  during  menstruation . [1] [2]  Its usual onset occurs around the time that menstruation begins. [1] Symptoms typically last less than three days. [1] The pain is usually in the  pelvis  or lower abdomen. [1]  Other symptoms may include  back pain , diarrhea, or nausea. [1] SO THE ONE MILLION QUESTION IS WHY THIS HAPPEN AND HOW TO STOP IT .. SO BASICALLY YOU CANT STOP IT BUT YES YOU CAN MINIMIZE AND REDUCE THE PAIN .. BUT SOME LUCKY PEOPLE DON'T GET THESE AND WELL THEY ARE JUST LUCKY OR SOME PEOPLE GET JUST A LITTLE AND NOT TO MUCH  Causes During your menstrual period, your uterus contracts to help expel its lining. Hormonelike substances


"There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. "- unknown 1) BASE Although a lot of bloggers, vloggers, and influencers tell how perfect base means perfect foundation, I would say they are wrong. Perfect base means taking care of your skin with a good skincare. Invest in good skincare products and every foundation will look flawless on you. 2) DRINK LOTS OF WATER I know, this is a totally basic advice. I am one of those who read this rolls her eyes, but the water has a very positive effect on your skin. The skin primarily spreads your pores, hydrates your body and skin and tightens the tissue. When the body is missing water, the cells dry out, accelerate their aging and eventually die out. And as serious skin drying takes at least 2 weeks to regenerate, it is important that we constantly hydrate it with sufficient water intake. 3) COLOR CORRECTING If you can never hide the pods, re